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A Win for the Book Clubs

Due to the rising popularity in Girl of Puzzles, and multiple letters from libraries, fans, and book clubs, ANR has made a Girl of Puzzles: Book Club Edition. I know what you're thinking; what's so special about that? Well, it has more.

The book club edition has a special letter to the fans, an exclusive interview, and even some ideal questions to ask your book club about the book. It's designed for clubs and fans, and made to feel more personal so that the reader knows they are seen.

Currently, the book club edition is only available as an eBook on Amazon, but within the upcoming weeks, it should become available as an eBook and paperback at all major retailers.

It should also be noted that ANR and her team are currently working on getting all the Girl of Puzzles editions into a hardcover version as well, but that date is still pending as they search for the best printing options.

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